This my MVP for a game prototype I am working on. The premise is a monster catching card game. In this starting level there is a save station, a heal station, a deck builder, a 'tall grass' area for random encounters and a trainer battle.


In Game

While in game use WASD to move around. Press E to interact with objects. Walking in the tall grass will start a random encounter with wild MingMings. The patrolling square is an NPC trainer with level 25 MingMings, get in his line of sight to challenge him. Upon defeating a wild MingMing or the Trainer you can select one card as a reward. Click on the reward and press continue to add the card to your deck. You can change your deck by going up to the top left corner of the map to the map builder. Your deck is on the right and the available cards are to the left. Clicking on your cards in your deck will remove them while clicking on a card in the available cards will add it to your deck.


Each MingMing has a certain amount of energy per turn as seen in the battery packs on the top left of its portrait. To use a card first select the MingMing you want to attack and then drag the card towards the desired target. There are three types of card targets: Self, Side, Single. Self is the MingMing can use the card on itself. Side is the card effects the whole team of the MingMing targeted by this card. And single is any MingMing will take the effect of this card.

MingMings can have up to two Alignments. Some alignments are more/less effective against other alignments. Alignment Chart:

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